Work experience
Responsible for reverse engineering projects on automotive systems – electronic control units (ECU). Debugging microcontrollers such as Renesas RH850, V850, NXP and S12X architecture (Assembler).
During reverse engineering projects learned how to be able to notice flaws and exploits in the systems and using Cryptanalysis skills. Strong understanding of cryptographic algorithms used by OEMs, from linear algorithms (LFSR) to symmetric encryption (XTEA, AES, etc.) and asymmetric encryption (RSA). Extensive usage of IDA Pro for disassembly and static analysis. Experience working with objdump and firmware code identification (binwalk).
Experienced using hardware attack tool Riscure Spider with EMFI transient probe. Professional understanding of vehicle networks and common protocols (CAN, J1939, MOST, LIN, UDS, JTAG, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, Websockets etc.) to debug and monitor. Good understanding of HTML methods and error codes. On daily basis working in Agile software development environment writing and bug fixing vehicle apps using C/C++.
Writing Python code on daily software development projects. Reverse Engineering using Android debug tool on JS and Java code. Using Git on daily basis for version control. Excellent understand of networking and using network troubleshooting and analysis (wireshark). Team leading daily meetings and assign tasks to team members during Sprints based on their responsibilities. Responsible for keeping applications up to date and arrange software testing where necessary. Help, support & mentor. Served as mentor to junior software developer.

Software Engineer @ Advanced Diagnostics,
Sep 2018 - Nov 2024